Who We Are: Three Butterflies Entertainment & Press, LLC provides children's entertainment and literature that promotes multiculturalism, character education, and the global community through an exploration into action-adventure, geography, cultural studies, and history. Our flagship property for television, "Little Lumpy's Travel Log" is distinct because it promotes a diverse international cast of characters. “Little Lumpy & Her Little Lovelies” is rooted in a hip, eclectic mid-western community with residents from the US, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Who Is Little Lumpy: She is very bright, but not really aware of how smart she is. Her intelligence manifests in her wit and the lightning fast way in which she processes information and situations. She can size a matter up with its depths and nuances very quickly; thus, her gift for developing strategy in times of trouble. As is the nature of "life," particularly, for a child, things happen that Lumpy may not foresee or calculate. She is sweet, but tomboy tough with a sense of fearlessness fostered by her practice in the martial arts. Even though she is a martial artist, the discipline has not tempered her robust passion. Lumpy is rather sensitive and temperamental, particularly when she encounters bullies or mean people. She has zero patience with these types of people—young or old. A lover of truth and justice, she leads the way in defending the innocent, passive, or helpless, especially, animals.
Why We Are: Today’s children will grow into an
unprecedented global dynamic. In many respects the “world is getting
smaller” due to media, technology, and emigration. Three Butterflies is
committed to expanding our viewer’s world in every positive and constructive
way. We produce earnest, authentic, well-researched multicultural
entertainment and literature for children. While "fun"
is an essential element for our target audience, we seek to stimulate character
development that will aid children in their ability to thrive and live joyously
in an increasingly diverse world.
Who We Work With: Three Butterflies utilizes the
services of local independent contractors, artists, and institutions. We
are developing our current project through the faculty and students at the
world-renowned Cleveland Institute of Art, a school within Case
Western Reserve University. Students, with faculty supervision, in illustration,
graphic arts, and animation are supplying our needs in developing this project.
How We Know We Have A Winner: Not too long
ago we conducted focus groups with elementary students in our target audience.
We presented 110 third-graders with an Authentic Learning
Experience at two schools in Cleveland Heights, Ohio (the community
where our story-idea is theoretically based). We selected Cleveland
Heights as the inspirational and ideal context for “Little Lumpy & Her
Little Lovelies” due to its rich history of multiculturalism and its
progressive, eclectic vibe. These students provided valuable input to our
character designs, aesthetics, and story-ideas. We now have a short film
that incorporates a good deal of their input. We cannot wait to show the
kids, their parents, and the entire community our results.
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